Our students and crowned kids are very excited to worship the Lord through dance and drama in front of you, their family, and friends. Plus as our children glorifies God with their gifts, they will also be Mission Love One Another, Grace’s youth group mission trip to West Virginia to help families in need. A free-will offering will help towards their goal of $2000.
We are SOOO excited so please read this email in it’s entirety and check out all the concert details so you can help your child get ready to glorify and shine on the June 24.
Details -Information Sheet
We are busy preparing for our concert on Saturday June 24 at 2:00pm. “Crowned,” presented by Arts for the Heart’s Academy of Dance & Worship in partnership with Grace Christian Church and friends, is our Spring Concert dansical inspired by the story of Esther, an ordinary girl used by an extraordinary God. Our concert will follow Esther as she goes from being an ordinary girl to becoming a bride of a king and crowned with true beauty, courage, and faith to help save her people. Esther’s life made a difference. Perhaps he has prepared you to act in “such a time as this", Esther 4:14.
REHEARSALS. We will all have a rehearsal at the extended scheduled class times on June 6 and full dress rehearsals on Monday June 20 at 6:00- 7:30pm and Thursday June 23 at 5:30-7:00pm. Garments will be distributed on Thursday June 2nd and Monday June 6th after class. For the full dress rehearsal, all students are expected to be on time, dressed in full garments, and ready to dance. Please make sure your child’s name is on their garments and shoes. Please use dance bag provided to carry and keep any extra items.
PHOTOGRAPHS. Group and individual pictures will be taken during our Monday June 19th, Tuesday June 20th and Thursday June 23rd rehearsal.
DAY & TIME OF CONCERT. All dancers, crowned kids and guest dancers MUST be at Grace Christian Church by 11:30am:. Our concert is Saturday June 24, 2:00pm. The concert is approximately 1 1/2 hour. Schedule of the day is provided.
Dance Concert & Worship Gathering Day Schedule
11:30pm All dressed for first dance and scene 1
11:40pm Meet with dancers/crowned kids/ team and review day’s plan
12:00pm -1:15pm Run through entire concert
1:30 pm Group Prayer and meditation Doors open to fellowship area
1:45 pm Open doors to sanctuary to greet family & friends
2:00 pm Dance Concert followed by fellowship reception
HAIR & NAILS Fix your daughter’s hair before coming to the church. Hair must be in a bun. We will have a parent volunteer to assist with buns if needed but hair should already be in a ponytail. Short hair should be pulled away from the face. No bright colored nail polish on hands or feet. As a couple of our dances will be done in barefoot please make sure colors are neutral, soft or clear polish. JEWELRY No large jewelry or watches of any kind
SNACKSPlease make sure your child brings a snack the day of concert as they will be there for a few hours and our fellowship reception is not until the end. NO FOOD OR DRINKS that will STAIN DANCE GARMENTS. WATER BOTTLES ARE OK. NO CHEWING GUM or CANDY allowed DURING REHEARSALS AND PERFORMANCES. Dry snacks are OK. We want to avoid all spills and stains.
TICKETSAdmission for this dance and worship concert is FREE so no tickets are required. So even better reason to invite all your friends and family!
DANCE GARMENTS . All the dance garments will be distributed on Thursday June 2 and Monday June 6th. The $50 garment fee has already been included in tuition for most students. If not, it must be paid by June 2nd in order to receive your child's garments. All will have their dance garments in time for the dress rehearsal. Remember: PLEASE DO NOT WEAR YOUR GARMENTS UNTIL THE DRESS REHEARSAL
VOLUNTEER HELPERS NEEDED We are looking for (3) parent volunteers to help at the dance concert & worship gathering. Volunteers will need to arrive at 1:00pm and stay for duration of dance concert. If interested, please email Miss Crystal at [email protected] or call and leave message on our voicemail at (732) 784- 3138.
FELLOWSHIP & RECEPTION Immediately following our dance concert we will have a small reception and are asking each person to contribute a dessert or beverage to be enjoyed. A sign up list will be available at the welcome center table.
PARKING Please make sure you allow yourself enough time to park if needed.
QUESTIONS If you’re not sure about anything listed to get your child ready for the dance concert, please call me Crystal Monsanto at (732) 784-3138 and or via email at [email protected]. You can print this information below.
Thanks for your cooperation!
It’s going to be a great afternoon of Beauty and Worship!